August 17, 2009

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July 15, 2009


I typically do my workouts in the morning, but I do my Yoga-X at night. Like most people, my life is pretty hectic. I work full time, go to school, and have a toddler boy (currently undergoing potty-training!). My P90X workouts are my only "me" times. The Yoga-X is not only physically and mentally challenging, but it's also very soothing and relaxing. Since it lands mid-week for me, it gives me the real boost and focus to make it through the rest of the week. I sleep better, and feel more refreshed to get up and do my morning workout.

Thank you for being on this journey with me!

July 14, 2009

WoW Woes

For those that do not know this about me, I play an MMORPG, in 'geek-speak' that means. Mass Multi Online Role-Playing Game. It's not as kinky as it sounds (although we do have those types of delinquents too).

I think I mentioned in an earlier post how I've never been athletic, I'm always the "last kid picked" for a team...well that holds true in the virtual world as well. When I first began playing World of Warcraft, I thought...WoW (parden the pun) a game I can finally play!!! Until I was introduced the world of PVP (player-vs-player). My lack of hand-eye coordination has held me in the "noob" rank. It's in these moments that I really wish that trinkets existed to get dexterity +10.

July 10, 2009

Ah the benefits of P90X (working out in general I'm sure)

I've noticed a difference in my day between getting up early and doing a workout compared to working out after work/school. Even though dragging my butt out of bed at 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning KILLS me, on the days that I do, I really get motivated.
My biggest challenge is Ab Ripper X, that's probably the toughest workout for me to get through. Not only are my abs my weakest area, I also have a serious tail bone problem which pains me greatly during the routines. I've tried a pillow under my rear-end, but that doesn't help much, just kinda throws me off a little and makes the crunches harder. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate it!
The benefits I've already gotten from 2 weeks of working out? Less back and neck pain, which equates to less headaches for me. I also have more energy and stamina this week compared to last week.
Another added bonus - my muffin top is shrinking! That's right, no longer do I have "Costco-Sized" muffin top. Hooray!!!
Looking forward to another week of BRINGING IT!!!

July 8, 2009

P90X Extreme Yoga - Day 3

Yoga-X is the "day 3" workout in Phase 1 of the P90X program. And it IS extreme yoga!
I found it thoroughly challenging and intensive. I have always been pretty flexible, and even though I am at my least fittest, I'm still far more flexible than most.

If you are new to yoga, watch the DVD first before doing the routine. Although Tony is very good at explaining the movements, it might be easier to watch it though and familiarize yourself with it first. It's pretty hard to keep your poses on par if your craning your neck around to see if you're doing it correctly.

I was not able to hold all the poses, especially the balance portion, but I know each week will get better! Stick with it and hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

July 5, 2009

P90X - End of the First Week

My first week of P90X was not as sucessful as I would like to report. My biggest learning experience for the week...DO NOT MISS A WORKOUT!!! NOT A ONE!

I talked myself into not getting up early one morning, telling myself "oh you can just workout when you get home", well I ended up meeting up with my brothers after class one night (we rarely get together anymore, just us) and I stayed out a lot later than I had planned. I missed dinner, I missed my workout, and the next day I felt like crud and didn't want to work this Sunday I had basically start all over.

If you schedule a particular time of day to workout, then stick with it!!! Life does happen, but also make time for yourself!

July 2, 2009

I recently saw an online article about making money with Twitter. It's one of those, make money from home deals. Now, I'm always looking for ways to bring in a little extra income. During tax season I worked at H&R Block, which was fun and good money, but took a lot more time out of my schedule than I would have liked.
So this article (for the life of me, can't seem to find it, but if I do, I'll link it later), basically said that looked to be the real deal and people made hundreds of dollars a day just working from home. I thought, "ok, these people say it's legit, I'll go check it out". I click on the link and they want to send me a "trial kit" for just 1.99. Hmmmm....ok, well it's a 1.99, if I can make hundreds of dollars a day just to tweet or whatever, i can handle that. Sounds like a pretty good investment, right? So I print out the "conditions and terms" (does everyone ever read those things? I do! You have to, these days), the trial period is 7 days after which your credit card will get charged $99.99 per month until you cancel. $99.99!!!
I thought, ok, well I'll still take a look at this thing. As I reviewed all the information on the site, I saw that all the information on it was geared more toward people that wanted to market themselves. Well, I don't have any talents to market, or product to sell so I found the information completely useless. I was a little annoyed to say the least. I promptly sent an e-mail "canceling" since I couldn't afford the $99.99 a month service charge they were going to screw me with.
Later I was contacted by their customer service department, as soon as I said the word "cancel" she hung up on me. How rude! So there's my take on If you want to tips on how to market yourself on Twitter and other social networks...look elsewhere. You should not judge a company jsut on services or products they provide, but on their customer service too! And is severely lacking in that department!

June 30, 2009

Why I decided on P90X

In my late teens and early 20’s I was pretty active; not to be confused with athletic (I always seemed to have 2 left feet when it came to team sports - I was always the last kid to be picked for a team). My repertoire of fitness fun sometimes included a few activities that some might consider a bit crazy (which included jumping off a bridge, but that’s a story for another day). I took up rock climbing, hiking, mountain biking, fencing and a little bit of martial arts…pretty much anything that would take me outdoors and/or away from the normal gym routine. During the summers I worked graveyard shift at a local 24hour fast food joint. When I got off work, I’d be so wired and unable to sleep that I would go jogging (sometimes up to 15 miles) just to expend some energy. I LOVED it!

Enjoying the outdoors as much as I did, I decided I needed to head south to warmer pastures. The southern part of the states was not all that I had imagined. It was warmer & sunnier, but it was warmer & sunnier ALL THE TIME! The heat was so unbearable at times that all I found myself doing was sitting in air conditioned space trying to keep cool. No more hiking, no more biking, no more nothing. I would just sit and eat and smoke! My first year away from the beautiful Pacific Northwest, I gained 20lbs! That was when the downward slide began…

So here I am now in my mid-thirties, and after two babies and being a desk jockey for more than a decade, I find it difficult to enjoy any of the things I did in my younger (fitter) days. I hadn’t really realized how out of shape I had gotten. The signs were all there…finding myself being winded just from walking from the parking lot to the ski lifts, unable to carry my toddler son for more than a few minutes at a time, or when he pokes at my jiggly belly and giggles, or how about when I find myself opting out of buying cute clothes and just finding something comfortable to wear (which usually meant something with an elastic waistband) or something that would hide my belly roll!

Now most people look at me and say, “YOU need to lose weight??!!” Woah there, hold on a second. I didn’t say lose weight, I said GET IN SHAPE! My weight isn’t the issue, I only weigh 120 +/- a few lbs. It’s the fact that my stomach sticks out farther than anything else on me, my arms and legs are the scrawniest they’ve ever been and I’d be lucky to walk a block without being winded let-alone run anywhere!

So after watching a million billion infomercials on every possible “get fit” program, I decided to try P90X. Why? Because I need something extreme to make a real change in my life. I need to be told how to work out and what to eat, to change my habits and steer away from my old routines. I want to be able to keep up with my son and enjoy life to the fullest, I have goals and aspirations! Healthy body leads to a healthy mind and spirit!
So follow me on my quest to be fit!

My "Before P90X" pictures will be posted soon!

June 29, 2009

My first official blog!!!

Welcome to my blog. I created this blog as an outlet for all the jumbled up stuff going on in my head as well as a way to keep family and friends afar up-to-speed on what’s going on in my little end of the world. I have some grand ideas of what I’d like this blog to be, but to tell you the truth, between working full time, going to school, being a mom and a wife…we’ll see how “grand” it becomes