July 10, 2009

Ah the benefits of P90X (working out in general I'm sure)

I've noticed a difference in my day between getting up early and doing a workout compared to working out after work/school. Even though dragging my butt out of bed at 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning KILLS me, on the days that I do, I really get motivated.
My biggest challenge is Ab Ripper X, that's probably the toughest workout for me to get through. Not only are my abs my weakest area, I also have a serious tail bone problem which pains me greatly during the routines. I've tried a pillow under my rear-end, but that doesn't help much, just kinda throws me off a little and makes the crunches harder. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate it!
The benefits I've already gotten from 2 weeks of working out? Less back and neck pain, which equates to less headaches for me. I also have more energy and stamina this week compared to last week.
Another added bonus - my muffin top is shrinking! That's right, no longer do I have "Costco-Sized" muffin top. Hooray!!!
Looking forward to another week of BRINGING IT!!!